Monday, November 12, 2012

Bhartiya City Urban Developement / Broadway Malyan | ArchDaily

Courtesy of Broadway Malyan

Launched by Broadway Malyan, in collaboration with real estate and infrastructure development company Bhartiya Urban, Bhartiya City is the single largest urban development within the limits of any Indian metropolitan area. The 125-acre design, located in North Bangalore, India, will provide a fully-integrated mix of residential, retail, hospitality and Special Economic Zone uses, as well school, healthcare and sports facilities, making it the first of its kind in India. More images and architects? description after the break.

Courtesy of Broadway Malyan

The city is designed to be highly sustainable, with residents set to live in close proximity to workplaces and so-called ?third spaces?, with the entire city being accessible by foot or bicycle and featuring links to major transport networks by road as well as a potential future rail connection. The practice has been working with client Bhartiya Urban since its Chairman set out his initial vision for an improved quality of life for residents in India, with the practice subsequently appointed to support the client?s plan to deliver an open, accessible and inspirational city development.

Its wide ranging brief in support of precincts two and three covers the delivery of the architectural concept and schematic design, retail interior design, landscape design and public realm strategy. The two precincts comprise of 460,000 square metres of mixed-use development over basement parking and feature six office towers, three hotels, a convention centre, shopping centre, cinema, park and major landscaped areas, as well as Celebration Square, a public performance area that will accommodate 5,000 people.

The practice?s appointment also covers the concept residential design for precinct one, comprising 2,400 residential units, as well as place-making, branding, marketing collateral, graphics and way-finding for the entire city.


megamillions drawing

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